Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hiatus is My Second Favorite Word, Behind Superfluous

This week's cute picture of the week has personal value.  That, right above this writing you are all reading now, is Favio's new baby turtle, Stanley.  The story goes that Favio's brother (Andrew) brought over another turtle to "play" with their turtle (they have a regular, about the size of Speedy, turtle; idk if I mentioned this before, I might have said it a blog or two ago I forgot), and then you can mad-lib the rest of the story.  So yeah, that's Stanley and he's super cute (hoping it's a he because its impossible to tell gender at this age) and is now immortalized in this blog.

That was my "recent development" that happened to me last Tuesday that made me want to change my mind about posting this week. I don't got much else though, so this is probably going to be a short post.  Good news is, I just got back from taking my Astro final and I whooped its ass.  Bad news is, I got brutally raped by my Chem final on Monday.  Hopefully all goes well in the grade department so my parents still love me.  Cause you know, if I get a B they'll totally throw me out on the street with the dogs.... Joking, I swear. Don't call child services on me.

I was studying in the Unit 3 lounge this week when all of a sudden Santa walked in.

That's apple cider for anyone who's wondering.  Just close your eyes Rachael, you ciderholic you.
This is actually John (I think that's the right spelling), Favio's RA (resident assistant).  He's pretty awesome as you can tell by this picture.  But he's also awesome because he listens to KPop! Woo!  Yeah, I don't even know if you guys know about my obsession with all things Asian, but John is basically a replica of me.  An egg, white on the outside, yellow on the inside.  In this picture he's preparing to "shred some up at Sproul plaza" and his grandma got him that Santa suit so "why not use it?"  He's more than one person's mancrush I can tell you that...

The last thing worth mentioning that happened this week was that our cafeteria's hosted something called Winter Fest.
Winter Fest is basically a night where the cafeteria's serve ultra fancy food.  They had crab legs, prime rib, salmon with pesto tarragon rub, green beans, Caesar salad (hold the anchovies), sweet rolls, mashed potatoes, veggie medley, vegan chicken piccata, and vegan mashed potatoes.  The selection wasn't as good for vegetarian eaters, but it was excellent either way (probably better for the carnivores.  They also had apple cider by the barrels.  Actually, I lied, it didn't come in barrels, but there was unlimited of it and you could even check out a bottle for your table.  The dessert was egg nog cheesecake and peppermint chocolate cake.  My plate is below:

Delicioso if I do say so myself.
So that's about all that happened this week.  I got one more final to go, Math on Friday 7-10pm (eww), but it shouldn't be too bad.  So this concludes my last post for about a month or so because we are going on hiatus (woo, love this word).  Sooooooo....


1 comment:

  1. The turtle is darling. I love that we posted for another week all for a turtle picture. That's pretty hilarious. Definitely glad for another week of updates though, and I like that this week's cute picture of the week is a cute animal you personally know.

    The food looks really good. Yum yum. You guys get spoiled there!
