Friday, May 11, 2012

The Bad Thing About Posting on Fridays

The bad thing about posting on Fridays is that if you have any evening plans it’s awkward to post.  Which is why it’s 1:13 AM here, and now that I’m on Pacific Time, that puts me as posting on Saturday.  How awkward. Well, hello anyways.  (P.S. if you're confused about why this says Friday when it is Saturday, that's because I adjusted time and space to accommodate myself).

Now that it’s late at night, you can hear one of my famous LateNite Rants™.  I don’t actually have any famous LN Rants, but you can hear one anyway.

On grades: I got all A’s this semester.  I worked hard, but… I don’t know, I guess I think grade inflation is at least slightly present at AU.  Don’t look down your nose at me, it probably is at your school too.  Or at least a little.  I definitely worked really hard, I just want to know what everyone else got, so I can feel more justified about my A’s.  However, I think I did earn my A in Microecon, and that’s really exciting.  Nice to have a professor you can learn from, and that’s all I need to say about that.  Part of the requirement for the job I’m applying to (I’ve told you about it in weeks past) is that I had to have gotten an A or A-, and that part at the very least is fulfilled.

On Finishing Freshman Year:  The year went by fast, but at the same time, I guess it does seem like a long time since I started out in August.  I do think I learned a lot, but hopefully I learn more per year than I did this year.  I don’t know if I feel 1/4th ready to start working yet.  That’s the scary part; that I’m already a quarter done and in three more quarters I’m supposed to be a full on adult.  Kevin texted me at his sister’s graduation to see if I was still in D.C. (I wasn’t), and that’s going to be us in three years!  Insane.  However, just like high school to college, we’ll be ready for the transition.  Hopefully we’re still friends.

On Jason Coming Home: Welcome home, Jason.  Hope you have a good weekend and a good Mother’s day. We’ll do something fun shortly.  Kevin just informed me we have another season of Amazing Race to watch, so that’ll be fun.  Can’t wait to hear all about your end of the year adventures (or lack thereof).

On Being Home: My house has been in slight chaos.  My stepmom now works at home, and because our house didn’t accommodate that change by sprouting another bedroom (and since we don’t have a handy Weasley tent to do something similar—I would definitely live in a Weasley tent), I now sleep in what was my stepbrother’s room and what is now my stepmom’s office.  So every day I have to wake up around 7 or 8 to vacate said office.  Rather, she doesn’t wake me up, but as I’ve adjusted to the time zone I’ve been waking up that early, and I feel guilty going back to sleep once I see the time, since she wants to be working.

As a result, I’m tired.  Laugh at me if you will, Derek, or whoever gets up that early all the time, but I am adjusting to the time difference, and my flight on Monday was strenuous.  I don’t have to complain this whole time about this, because it’s not important.  I’ll just move on.  The point is, as a result of my lack of sleep, I keep falling asleep at Devin’s house, which is part of the reason this post is late.  I fell asleep there at like 9 while we were watching a movie.  We also baked a pazookie (as good as the one we baked for Kevin asking Alanna to prom!) and were generally awesome.  He just got his license a few weeks ago, so we’ve been cruising around like the cool kids we are.

I don’t know how you guys feel about this, but it’s funny—I’ve started to say “go home” to both returning to AU and returning to Newport Beach.  At the beginning of the year, I never referred to AU as “home”, and I don’t know if I actually consider it my home, but I spend so much time there that the word has adopted itself.  Unless you live at home, your college years sort of turn you into an internally displaced refugee, only less sad because that’s sad.  I just mean it’s hard to say “I live here” and only refer to one place.  I don’t even think I’m saying anything at this point, but if I am, good.  I meant to say it.

I’m really excited for next year.  Since this is a LateNite Rant™, I won’t mince my words: this year of college was fun, and I really grew as a person and found some friends I really like.  But this year was not so good as for me to not want next year to be better.  I’m hoping that living in Social Justice, community-oriented housing will facilitate me finding “that group” of people to hang out with.  I’ve also considered joining debate, and I still have my fraternity.  I’m just not 100% stoked about that latter, as you’ve all likely noticed.  Anyway, I’m looking forward to the summer ahead of me and can’t wait to see y’all.  And, importantly, I'm full of advice to give Devin, just in case a high school senior doesn't have enough people giving him advice.

For now, good night.



  1. I'll let you know my grades when I know them, although I can tell you know I will be very surprised if I get all As this semester.

    I enjoyed your Silmarillion-esque naming of sections in this post. I'm sure it wasn't intentional because I don't think you've read the book, but you can pretend you were emulating The Professor and I'll let you get away with it.

  2. I'm just surprised you can manipulate time and space. That seems pretty handy. :)

  3. Oh, Derek, I didn't mean YOU guys when I said "I want to know what everyone else got", I meant everyone else in my classes. I'm well aware I am below average intelligence among this coort. And I'm glad you enjoyed my Silmarillion modeling. Totally intentional. Love that prof.

    And yes, Jason. It is. In the words of a wise man, "Two turns should do it."

  4. Oh. Sorry. Misread that then. I thought you wanted to compare grade inflation across colleges. And I don't like it when you say you are below our average intelligence. When Nicole says that to me I get angry at her, and you are no different.
    Was your misspelling and your misquoting supposed to be evidence of your supposed "below average intelligence"? Here's what I think you did: You made those errors on purpose so someone (probably me) would point them out, and then you would triumphantly point out that you were right about not being as smart.(NB: I really think that's why you made those errors. If they were honest mistakes, I'm going to look like a douchebag for pointing them out in the manner that I did, so I would really appreciate it if I was right.)

  5. We could compare grade inflation across colleges, but there are too many variables to do it just by comparing grades, since there are factors like course load and maybe but not necessarily intelligence.

    As to your second paragraph, I had no idea about the Silmarillion modeling thing, all that was fictional. But you seem to be talking about my Dumbledore quote, and I personally remember him saying "Two turns should do it, Miss Granger" in the movie if not the book. That was in reference to my manipulation of time and space.

  6. I was pretty sure it was three. But I could be wrong.

  7. What just happened?
    I'm uncomfortable.
