Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hot Damn Have I Gained Weight

I didn't focus the camera quite right, unfortunately.  This is my first attempt at a vlog.  Not sure if I like seeing how I look yet.  We'll see.  Nighty night y'all.

EDIT: Oh man is that a hot preview or what.


  1. Whilst I was watching this, I took a swig from my water bottle, only to discover you were doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.
    Some call it coincidence. I call it destiny.

  2. I found that video quite amusing. I was in the library while watching it, so I had to stifle my laughter. I miss you, Rich, and I really want to play D&D with you this summer.

    The end.

  3. I always knew we were meant to be together, Derek.

    And Nicole, I'm glad you enjoyed this video. It feels weird to be talking to yourself in a room with a light shining in your face, so I'm glad it wasn't for nothing.
