Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Post in Which I Re-Enact the First Few Pages of "The Satanic Verses" but With a Better Ending.

So I'm not feeling very inspired to write anything quality or clever today, so you're just going to have to deal with my idiotic ramblings. Well, actually, the nice this is: you don't even have to deal with my rambling. You could, in fact, just skip this post if you wanted to. But it sort of has interesting content, like how I went skydiving and went to my first actual concert and things. So yeah. Decisions, decisions.
But before skydiving, we have a few days of fun to cover. Well...we have a few days to cover, at least. 
On Thursday, I woke up at 7:30 in the morning to get ready for my radio show. It was pouring down rain and I couldn't get into the radio station for a bit because the door was locked. So I got to wait out in the rain for a few minutes with my "Starry Night" umbrella before Jack came around with the key. I imagined that the soundtrack to my life at that point would have been a sad, hipster song. Or something. So hanging out in the rain was a great start to the day. Anyways, Jack and I did our radio thing, which consisted of me being like "Hi, I'm awkward. Here are some topics we can talk about.  Oh hey, Facebook is in the news for reasons. Let me talk about that. *Insert interesting fact I read about in the news*. What do you think about that, Jack?" and then Jack says "Yep. Preeeeetty cool." And then the conversation ends and  I make an exasperated face, but it's radio so all the listeners hear is a silence. I'm still getting used to this whole "radio" thing. But after our 2 hours, the next host came in and commented on the fact that he was listening to our show for a bit and thought we had some quality witty banter. So perhaps Jack and I are not as bad as I think we are.
The rest of the day consisted of mundane things, so I will not go into them.

Dyed Hair paid for and brought to you by Nicole Danser.
 Reimbursement still to come, Taylor.
On Friday, the most interesting part of my day started at lunch time, when Taylor decided she wanted to dye her hair crazy colors. Amy, Barbara and I were up for it, so that's exactly what we did. We first bleached her hair, and then colored it purple, orange, teal, and pink. Results on the right. Pretty good considering it wasn't professionally done, eh? Okay, so after that whole ordeal, I hung out with some friends, did some laundry and then went to sleep.

On Saturday there was this big event on campus called "Block Party". There was a concert where one of the Debate Council's favorite artists (G-Eazy) played,  a bouncy house, a bouncy slide, smoothies, burgers, and a lot of mud which all the artsy/outdoorsy kids decided to dance in, then slide in, then start to throw and kick around. Which turned ugly, especially for innocent bystanders (ex: me). However, despite my mud-splattered clothing, the block party was quite fun. After that, there was a Debate party, and the theme was "America", so I dressed up in *surprise* red, white a blue. I did a whole lot of dancing and singing and frolicking about. However, every 15 minutes or so I got super overwhelmed by the party and had to go sit on the side lines. As an introvert, I frequently get a bit tired out by parties and cannot handle the socialization (and heat which occurs from moving around in a small room with a lot of people who emanate a lot of body heat) so I tend to either leave the party early or hole up in a corner of the room. People thus think something has  made me sad or that I'm just not interested in the people at the party. But I just get a bit over-stimulated with all that's happening. I'm way more of a small-group person, 1-4 people optimally. I can't handle big groups and being talkative and social for a large amount of time. I just can't. Anyways, the next day I had to wake up at 4:30, so I went to bed at 12. That's still not a lot of sleep, but ah well.

On Sunday I woke up at 4:30 (as you've heard), and drove to the skydiving base with the "Outing Club" members and some friends. Long story short, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane. I was surprisingly calm during the entire events leading up to the jump. And then when the door opened, and I looked downed 14,000 feet with no barrier between me and the open air, I was like "Oh, okay. This is sort of a crazy thing to do." But by then I was falling through the sky,doing tumbles and screaming my head off in an I'm-a-bad-ass kind of way rather than an "Oh god, I'm going to die" way. Then the parachute was pulled and I glided through the air, enjoying the scenery and spiraling to-and-fro. I got close to the ground, put my legs up, and then landed on my butt. But in a very graceful way, of course. We watched the other few sects of our group sky dive as well, and it was amazing to watch these little dots hurtling down through the sky know I had been falling that fast just 15 minutes ago. We then drove home (stopping at Paneras, where I bought a smoothie and entire french baguette), and Pat and I napped in the back seat, wiped out by the process of being BAMFS. When I came home, I did some studying, played my ukulele (Ronjstock on Saturday!), went to dinner and then started studying again. But I kept on almost falling asleep while trying to work, so I ran (yes, I actually ran. Commons was going to close in like 3 minutes.) to get some coffee. I ran into (no, I did not actually run into them) Barbara and Ashleen and started freaking out to them about how I could not absorb any information on the quiz that we were taking the next day. But they calmed me down and studied with me, and then everything was okay. 
After that, I went home, played ukulele, and then sat in my bed being super jittery because COFFEE IS NOT A GOOD SEDATIVE! Did you know that?! I did, but I drank it anyways because I thought I was going to be up all night studying for the quiz. But it turns out that I actually knew a lot more than I thought I did, and Babs and I came up with weird memorization tricks to remember all the DAMN RUSSIAN NAMES for the quiz. So I ended up falling asleep at like 2. Yipee!

On Monday I woke up to a text from my friend Yvonne who goes to Brown University (we're friends because of debate! And Taylor. Taylor makes friends at tournaments, and then I by proxy get to know them). Apparently she was experiencing the craziness of her first acid trip, so we chatted about that for a while. Yvonne is a really cool cat, but she does some odd drugs. Then I went to breakfast, class and then my first round in our debate team's BP tournament. I did so poorly. The structure of my speech was everywhere, and my arguments kept on getting lost and fractured. But you live and you learn. After that, I got dinner, watched the ending of "Rent" with Babs and Jillian, and then hung out with debaters. But there were too many of us in one room and I didn't feel like socializing with so many people, so I went home for the night. I don't know why I've been so uncomfortable with large amounts of people in rooms lately, but I have. So I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. 

On Tuesday, I woke up to a text from Colin at 8 am saying he was locked out of his dorm because his key card access is not currently working. So we just went to breakfast and then I let him back into his dorm. After that, I studied for the quiz that was supposed to have been on Monday, but got moved to Tuesday instead. Doesn't really matter, either way I would have (and did) ace the quiz. Ah, being smart is just such a wonderful privilege (is that better, Derek? Should I start bragging instead of being self-deprecating? DO YOU LOVE ME NOW!?). Aaaanyways, after that Amy, Taylor, Jill, John and I went to commons where Jillian ate massive amounts of mashed potatoes, I ate massive amounts of macaroni and cheese, and we all talked about the 5 languages of love because Jill had been explaining them the day before (   -->It's the bottom half of the page). Which ways do you guys think you most give/like to receive indications of love (friendship/romantic/platonic/whatever)? I think if I had to chose one, mine would probably be spending quality time together. But I'm not sure. I don't have a good enough documentation of the past. And my sample size is sort of small (is that sad? I was just trying to make a joke but now that just seems sad. Well, I'm going to keep it in. Censoring oneself is wrong, or rather:  FUCK IT, WE'LL DO IT LIVE!). Then I went home, practiced more ukulele, and then went to dinner with Taylor, Amy, and Jarron where I did one of my character bits for Amy and Jarron who had never seen my "Sexy Baby" joke. It's pretty much a commentary on the infantilization of women and how our society fetishises youth to the point of extremes in women. Okay, well, I mean, it's also just me saying "I'm just a sexy baby" in a weird lispy voice. But the analysis and critic on obsessing over naive women is implied. Or something. After that I went home and decided I would do all of my essay work on Wednesday instead of Tuesday night because IT'S SHORT TERM AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT TO. I will regret the decision quite soon. But oh well, sometimes you just gotta procrastinate.

On Wednesday I woke up at about 11:30, went over to have a quick breakfast, and then went to my Russian and Soviet films class where the professor was like "Oh, I guess you can turn in your papers on Friday or something," and the class was like "Yeah, we're gonna take you up on that offer. And possibly abuse your flexibility regarding due dates". So now I'm going to postpone re-writing my paper even longer! After that, I had lunch with some debaters (if a chocolate milkshake and a banana could be called lunch) and then went to my second  BP (it's a new format: British Parliamentary. I've only practiced it like 4 times) debate round in the tournament. I did the opposite of poorly today. In the first round, my partner and I got the 4 (the worst score), but today we got the 1 (surprise, that's the best score!). So we improved a bit. But my speech still had flaws, so I'm going to work hard to improve still. After that, we had dinner (I had a bagel and cream cheese, a pb&j on a croissant, a apple and cantaloupe. I'm defying societal expectations of what my meals should consist of. Fight the system! Anyways, now I'm just writing my blog post in bed, dreading my next few hours of watching Russian films. But here I go!

Talk to you later,



  1. The radio show thing is really cool. I think if I did a radio show I would wear a trash bag to the studio because you don't have to look nice and it would be a point of conversation.

    HER HAIR IS SO FREAKIN' BEAUTIFUL! Oh my god. I want this hair.

    Statistically speaking, you are probably an extrovert. Also just from knowing you, I think you are like a 60/40 extrovert. 98% of Americans are extrovertic (is that a word?) moreso than introvertic.

    How the hell did you go skydiving!? So scary. Didn't you have someone attached to you? I thought there were rules about needing an attendant attached to you the first few times in case you forget to pull the chute and all.

    You are awesome. (= And for the five languages of love thing... I dunno. Probably the words one or the quality time. QT is great.

  2. Yeah, I usually just stumble out of bed and head to the radio station. But the trash bag sounds like a good idea too. I'll do that.

    Haha, Taylor likes experimenting with hair color. She's done a lot of colors, including pure white.

    Statistics are great and all, but that fact that I *can* socialize doesn't mean that I am enjoying said socialization. I freak out even when I have to go downstairs to meet the pizza guy and talk to him. Meeting new people is a frightening experience for me even if I can act bubbly on the outside. And I have all the traits of an introvert, including not liking large groups of people and getting drained from them, not being able to handle crowded scenes for very long, often thinking that I would rather be home, needing time to think before responding to a situation, and all that jazz. But if you think I'm an extrovert, you're entitled to your own opinion.

    Yeah, there was a person attached to me, but they didn't really factor into the story that much. They just sort of latched onto me and said "when we jump out, curl your legs behind me" and that was it. Haha.

    You're awesome too.
