Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kazoos and the Blues

Hey nerds.
I've decided to start my post Tuesday night (although I'm posting Wednesday night) because I know tomorrow is going to be a hell-and-a-half kind of day. So instead of doing actual work right now to make tomorrow better, I'm doing the fun thing (writing my blog post) to make tomorrow even less enjoyable. Now tell me that isn't sound logic. Wait, stop! Jesus, don't answer aloud! People will look at you funny. And I thought I had no social awareness.

On Thursday I woke up at 7:30 for my 8 am radio show with Jack. I got myself all pretty for my radio debut (it's funny because radios only transmit signals by electromagnetic waves with frequencies significantly below visible light and thus it doesn't matter if I look good or not because no one will see me. Also, it's funny because I implied I could make myself pretty.) and headed for the radio station. I met Jack there, we got all set up, and then'd. Anyways, our radio show (Still called the Afternoon Show, if you remember last post.) consists of witty banter, awkward conversations, even more awkward silences and pretty good music. Last show, Jack and I discussed  Zombies versus Humans, Gay Pride Week and Pottermore. Well, I talked (read: ranted) about Pottermore and then Jack decided to cut me off and play music. He's just still a bit upset that he's a Slytherin. But seriously, he is the only person I know who was disappointed that he wasn't sorted into Hufflepuff house. Get it together, Jack.
Anyways, after that, Jack and I went to Commons and ate a lovely breakfast with Ashleen. Then Ashleen and I did a crossword puzzle, ate some more, and then parted ways. I then went back to Rand, had a quick nap, and then went to my Russian Film class. Then it was THE WEEKEND! I have exactly ZERO recollection of what I did after class on Thursday, but I can promise you it is only due to a chronically bad memory. So good work, me.

Friday was a day. A day of things. I woke up at a time and decided that time was a specially good time to eat. So I headed over to Commons. I've noticed that when I have no activities like debate or  a class, which are usually followed by mass migration to Commons, I tend to just head over to Commons alone. Which, for me, isn't a scary "oh no, I might eat alone" type of thing. I'll look around for friends in Commons when I arrive there, and if it's too crowded to spot anyone or  Commons is deserted, I'll either go upstairs or into the Green Room and enjoy the company of a good book or a podcast. I frequently prefer that, too. Although, people probably look at me funny as I laugh aloud to the jokes made by the podcasters I listen to. It keeps people away, at any rate. So that's nice.
Back to Friday brunch! I was filling my plate full of starchy goodness (and then throwing a few pieces of lettuce over my plate to create the illusion of a well-balanced meal. Sorry, mom.) when I ran into Jordan. We both were there alone, so we decided to experiment and try eating in "the fish bowl" for a change. The large windows were nice, and the room was small and only had one other table filled in. The change in scenery made me realize I yell a lot when I am passionate about a subject. We were talking about the Vlog Brothers and John Green. And Harry Potter. And Settlers of Catan. And just all of the nerdy and geeky things. Because that's what we do. We geek out and freak out. Then Jack moseyed on over to our table and we started talking about other things. I think at some point I started acting even more hysterical than usual and lied across my chair ranting on about something trivial. It's amazing how I have friends. No, just kidding. I'm fantastic.
After that, I went to the library where Colin was working on his Thesis and just did quiet-study-time until it was less-quiet-debate-and-yell-about-how-you're-right-and-everyone-else-is-stupid-time. It was my first BP round, and I did... poorly. Mostly because I'm still in APDA mode. I'll figure it out eventually, don't worry (I know you worry. I know it.).
After that, all the debaters grabbed dinner. I then took a drive to the CVS/Pharmacy/Whatever-it's-named store with my friend Colin. I went to the store just so I could get off campus. Since the debate season has ended, I have not been able to leave campus as much. So even a short drive to a store is an adventure now. Anyways, we waited around for my friend's prescription medicine to be delivered, which was delayed because of reasons that should not have been reasons, so we did what anyone does while waiting in a store with a pharmacy in it: took the Cholesterol and Blood Pressure test! You know the one. The machine you put your arm into and then it squeezes your arm for hella minutes until you feel like you'll soon have to 127 hours that shit.
Anyways, the drugs arrived, and it was time to go back home. THIS IS WHERE BAD THINGS HAPPEN. Colin had left his Thesis stuff in the library when we had gone to the debate practice. And then we went to dinner and then straight to the store. Which means he left his stuff in the library. But since it's short term, and a Friday, the library closes at 8. Can you believe it? AT EIGHT. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION, GOD DAMN IT! So we called security on the phone, and they were all "No can doosville, baby doll", so we then went to the security office and they still told us that there was nothing we could do. Keep in mind, at this point Colin's thesis is due in like four days and he still has a helluvalot to do. So Colin tries to persuade but gets no where. Turns out, the officer should have referred us to an on-call Dean. But he didn't. So that's cool. Anyways, then Colin and I, defeated, slump away and I tried to console Colin with some words of wisdom like, "It okay. Don't be cry." and he was all "No, do be cry." so, after trying to cheer him up, I went home. But then the night got better because I took a shower, did my laundry, and drank tea that smelled like the holidays at home, which made me miss my family (I love you guys! Cannot wait for SummerPalooza2012GonnaGetSupesWastedEveryDayWaitNoIMeantGonnaBeResponsibleAndTotallyRockMyInternshipButSeriouslyThoughICannotWaitToHangOutWithMyFriendsAndFamilyAndEatAndLoungeAndPlayAllTheNerdyGamesLikeD&DAndCatanAndAlsoTravelingWithTheFamilyandCampingAndRoadTripsWithTheFriendsAndAlsoVidconWhichWillBeFunOhGodINeedToStopThisHelpHowDoIStopPleaseSomeoneRescueMe---). Also, thanks for the tea Mom, it helps me calm down and get to sleep.

Saturday was a lazy day, if I remember correctly. It consisted of naps and pretending like I was going to do work but then persuading myself that I have time to do the work later. So I slept instead, doing crosswords and being generally way too lazy to justify my presence on this earth as a productive member of society. Then I did some work, I think. I made flashcards online for my Russian Film quiz.  I think that tuckered me out, so I slept from 7:45 pm to like 9:30 when I decided to be a human being again and went to a debate party where we played drinking games that are fun for people who do not drink (Oh hey, that's me!). Then the party was winding down, so a few of us went to Milts. However, I just wasn't feeling it, so I went home and slept again. Sleeping is one of my favorite things, by the way.

Sunday was an odd day because I woke up at 7 am. Hahaha, your astonished faces are amusing (I'm hacking into your webcam). Anyways, I did that, took a shower, went to Commons and sneaked out some bagels (but not that sneaky, because I got yelled at by one of the cafeteria women. I felt bad. But the bagels were in lieu of coming back at lunch time! But I still felt super bad. My life of crime is behind me, guys.)  Anyways, I spent the day (surprise) sleeping and fooling around instead of doing work. But in my defense, it's short term.

On Monday, I woke up, grabbed a bite to eat, and then went to my Russian Film class. After that, I helped my friend Barbara chalk the quad with "pro-gay" sentiments and things like that. I also tried tightrope walking ('tried' being the operative word here). Then Amy, John, Evan and I tossed around a football. Monday was a lovely, sunny, super super warm day. So everyone was out on the quad. Then I went to a skydiving meeting (by the way, I'm going skydiving on Sunday), then hurried over to a debate meeting and then scurried over to Commons. I then ate an EXCELLENT meal that consisted of macaroni and cheese, salad, strawberries, orange slices, and potato salad ("They got sand in the potato salad!" That's for you, Monique. Do you even read my blog? I read yours. I think I'm the better sister. Prove me wrong.). It was a glorious meal. I don't know why I enjoyed it so much, but I did. After that, I went to an academic building and memorized Russian actors, filmers, and composers all night while Colin continued to defile his body with Monster energy drinks (I don't care if it says "rehab" on the can, it's not good for you!) and junk food. I then stumbled home and fell into bed. You would think I would wake up super late on Tuesday then wouldn't you?

Haha, NO! I woke up at 7:20, got ready for the day, and went back to the academic building where Colin had set up shop the night before. He was still there. At that point his Thesis was due in a few hours and he was trying to compile all of his sections together. I edited his paper for a bit and then found a working printer for him. He finished his Thesis, emailed it, and then printed it and turned it into his adviser. Horrah. We were both too tired to celebrate. Also it was rainy and sad outside. Tuesday was a tired day. During the entire process "It okay. Don't be cry." was stated over and over again. However, Colin decided that the correct response was "No. It not okay. Do be cry" (it's a theme!). At this point it's like ten thirty, so I had a bit of time before class. But instead of studying for the quiz or getting food, I just went to sleep. I then went to class, took the quiz (I'm sure I got an A),  and got some food to eat at Commons. Then I realized I had mail! Mom sent me some vitamins in the mail and I had also bought a kazoo. Why, you might ask, did I buy a kazoo? Because, dear readers, I've decided to perform at an annual event called "RonjStock" where students play music at our local coffee shop. I will be playing like 3 songs on my ukulele and singing. Some of these songs have mouth-trumpet solos and whistling parts. But I cannot whistle, so I decided a kazoo would be an excellent remedy to this problem. The kazoo is fine, by the way. It sounds like a kazoo: so, mildly annoying but fun and amusing for a while (Oh god. I am a kazoo.) I then took a shower, practiced on my ukulele, slept some more, started a paper, and then watched a Russian Film.

Now it's officially Wednesday (12:10) so I could technically post this right now. But I'll wait to see how Wednesday turns out. Tally Ho!

Edit: It's Wednesday night. Today I woke up at like 9:30, went to class, went to Commons, worked on my Russian Film paper, went to debate, went to Commons, went back home, worked on my Russian Film paper, went to Taylor's dorm to hang out and do work, and now have come back to my room to finish up my rough draft and go to bed so that I am not a zombie when I wake up tomorrow morning for the radio show. Alright, that's it. I'm done.

Your pal,


  1. Hufflepuff is not a bad house! Loyalty!

  2. I google'd HP to makes sure I spelled it correctly and the first suggestion is "jokes." I found this funny, although I still maintain that Hufflepuff is a fine house to be in.

    What do you call a Hufflepuff with one brain cell?



    What do you call a Hufflepuff with two brain cells?


  3. I want to listen to your radio show. Is this possible? Is there anywhere on the internet where you can stream the Bates station?

    There is a factual error early on in your post; Jack is most certainly not the only person you know who was disappointed that he didn't get into Hufflepuff. Unless you mean "know" as in how the word is used in Genesis, in which case you may be correct.

    The fact that whether or not you eat is contingent upon whether or not there are people to eat with is probably a fact that does you no good by being true.

    Also, YOUR LIBRARY CLOSES AT EIGHT! What is this new devilry?

    Jeez, if I felt bad every time I took food out of the dining hall, I'd be like Harry right after Sirius kicks it.

    I was very confused when you claimed to have eaten "an EXCELLENT meal" and then went on to list its contents, none of which turned out to be peanut butter. I still am very confused, to be honest.

    Jason is funny.

  4. No, Derek. I was saying that I eat even when no one I know is in commons. I was saying that when I eat alone, I eat in the Green Room or Upstairs alone, away from everyone else. Of course I still eat. Don't be silly.

  5. Also, to listen to my radioshow at 8-10 est, you could go to
    and click the streaming link on the right.

  6. That's a relief.

    Thanks for the link.

  7. Derek is funny.

    Also, I am sad that this thing called timezones that we have makes it extremely inconvenient to listen to your show :(

  8. Timezones have been hampering my hockey watching all year. I feel your pain, 82-fold.

  9. YES I DO READ YOUR BLOG. Haha! I'm an awesome sister! Also, Mom sent me a link to this post just in case I didn't read it. Good to know Mom's got my back.

    Also I am going to feel lame continuing my blog after I finish study abroad. Want to write a second sister-blog with me? YOU KNOW LIKE A CERTAIN PAIR OF OTHER SIBLINGS WHO ARE AWESOME?!!? Not that I should worry about feeling lame when I am the type of person who receives shout outs for ROCKET POWER jokes. Or because I'm the type of person that has multiple inside jokes based on Rocket Power (We are writers... about the california missions...)

  10. Oh my goodness, Monique! I TOTALLY FORGOT about our spoof versions of the Rocket Power song. We are hilarious. Also, I would love to be a v/b(log) sister with you. I would totally be up for that.
    I cannot wait to spend time with you during the summer. We have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to inside-joke creation.
