Thursday, September 29, 2011

All the single ladies? ALL THE SINGLE LADIES!


Okay so this week was really coolsome.  I'll tell you alllllll about it.  It is sooooo gooood to hear it.  I can count...alllll ze

One Hundred Years of..."learning".
FRIDAY LAST: I started Friday last with class!  WOOOOOOOOOO we went hiking around in the canyon, hauled up our fish traps for the second time, and did some mark and recapture stuff.  It was cool.  Turns out there's less fish in our canyon than last year, BUT that's following a trend of cyclicality.  If next year there's more fish than this year but less than two years ago, all is well with mother nature.  Then, after my bio lab, CENTENNIAL STARTED.  HOLY NUTBALLS WAS THAT FUN.  So Reed was founded in 1911 with a class of like 30 freshman (yes that DOES mean I'll be the 100 graduating class of Reed, astute reader).  This weekend was their 100th birthday.  Which means FREE FOOD AND DRINK AND MUSIC AND DESERT AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR EVERYONE.  Everyone = current students, alumni, and nearby Portlandians.  I got free food, there was a swing band playing, and we all ate and talked about how badass we are.  Then we talked about gross sexual fetishes during dinner.  BUT OTHER THAN THAT NORMAL.  Okay so then after dinner...I rode swings for like 1 minute.  THEN I went out to listen to the Centennial like speech thing which was boring as a root canal but IDGAF I'm the 100th class WOOOOOOOOOOO!

SATURDAY LAST: Okay so on Saturday I woke up and it was time for CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PART DEUX!  I actually started off the day with breakfast, but whatever.  I went to see a showing of awful movies that were filmed at Reed (some awful demon movie, and then I watched the first like 30 minutes of Fest of Love which had like one scene here).  After I left that I went to story time which was really cool.  It was this semi-elderly woman telling stories about Olde Reed.  BUT I LOST MY WATERBOTTLE THERE le sad =(.  Okay but after that, it was time for the orchard dedication.  Basically we've been restoring the canyon for 30 years now, but nobody in the surrounding community gives a flying fuck.  So we created this really nice little field that's right by Steele and Woodstock, and Colin Diver (C-Divvy as he's affectionately known), our President, gave a cool speech and shoveled the first bit of dirt on this baby tree we just planted, and then EVERYONE SHOVELED DIRT IT WAS SO COOL.  Then there was a bluegrass band and we all were like THIS IS SO COOL then went to trader joes to buy food then came back and were like LET'S GO TO THAI FOOD (yes, I do yell everything, slightly less astute reader).  Okay.  Okay.  Okay.  Does anyone else notice how much I say okay?  Okay but anyway, we went to thai food and ended up gathering a HUGE fucking amount of people there and we all ate and all was well and I was so full and it was delicious.  During dinner Sam, Ryan and I were all trying to figure out what evolutionary adaptations Pokemon would have to survive in the wild.  Snorlax would have this huge blood sack that filled up on his back so that while he slept, he could melt a hole in the ice (he lives in the arctic).  Then, when he woke up, he'd go ice fishing.  After we had dinner, we walked back and saw Indiana Jones (with a few scenes at Reed) and then a FIREWORKS SHOW HOLY BALLS DO I LOVE FIREWORKS.  After the show the girl next to me was like "I appreciate your enthusaism for fireworks" cause the whole time I was screaming and going WOOOOOOOOOO and laughing like a maniac.  I took a dickbag of pictures but here's a couple.  The rest are on facebook and Google +.
Babbys and old men, working together.

"KABOOM OMG YAY" - Rich Posert
SUNDAY LAST: I didn't really do anything on Sunday.  Played D&D, studied, went to rehearsal.

This is how I study.
MONDAY LAST: On Tuesday we had a Bio midterm, so I studied a lot.  LOLJK I MADE COOKIES WITH TED AND RYAN.  Everyone was like "we're studying" and Ted, who's not in bio, and I (who am), were like "WE'LL MAKE YOU COOKIES AND BE GOOD PEOPLE BUT REALLY IT'S MOSTLY CAUSE WE'RE BORED CAUSE NOBODY WILL HANG OUT WITH US."  So we did.  Snickerdoodles.  Then after I made cookies...nothing really happened.  I hung out on the balcony and listened to rain.  And drank root beer.

TUESDAY LAST: On Tuesday, I took the exam.  LOL IT WAS EASY AND EVERYONE WHO STUDIED STUDIED THE WRONG STUFF.  So that was awesome.  Then after that...not much happened.  My theatre class got split up and so now I'm in a class that only has 3 douchebags--me and two other people.  I like it a lot more.

A disproportionate amount of food pictures this post.
YESTERDAY: I got my chem test back (91% BITCHES) and then went back to the dorm (all this is after classes).  I hung out, then when to my chem lab.  MY PARTNER IS SO AWESOME OMG WE FINISHED 1.5 HOURS EARLY.  =D Okay then after that I got back to the dorm and me and three other people in the theatre department just bitched about how sucky it is, and how 90% of people are hacks who just read as much bullshit as they can into a play in order to have some overwrought emotions to portray.  THEN WE WENT TO 7-11, BOUGHT MARSHMALLOWS, AND MADE SOME MOTHERFUCKIN' SMORES.  Then played with fireworks for no particular reason.  A quote from last night: "Hey Alex, wanna go into the common room where there's plausible deniability?"  I love out of context quotes.  After that, we read shitty fan-fiction in the common room till I went to bed.

TODAY: I went to class, then to theatre, then I was supposed to meet my chem conference group to work on a project.  I somehow got grouped with one smart, cool guy and one REALLY dumb, REALLY oblivious guy for this project.  So I'm supposed to meet them, and smart cool guy is like "I scheduled something else during this time, I'LL BE THERE IN AN HOUR".  Dumb guy was like "What should I do?"  I gave him something, and did everything else in the time it took him to do the one thing.  Smart guy got there when we were done.  WOOOOO.  Then I wrote this blog.  <3 you all.  Also, Derek, I just got to the point where Kvothe gets the Arcanist to travel with the troupe.  And Nicole, I just figured out that if your type is weird, you can hit the "Remove Formatting" button (next to spellcheck) and it should clear right up.

EDIT: Hey Rachael -


  1. I think I'm most jealous of your 1 min on the swings. That sounds fucking amazing.

  2. They're just chillin' on the great lawn. I can swing whenever. I. Want.

  3. Everyone got a desert?! Which one did you get? I hope it was the Sahara. Okay I pulled a Derek but someone had to.

    Love the link! I must say that this part of the article is my favorite: "According to WAMU 88.5". Why? Because that is MY SCHOOL'S FAMOUS RADIO STATION! Yay-I'm-awesome-because-everything-my-school-does-I-take-credit-for.

    Also you should loudly sing your blog's namesake song. Our group of friends has a long history of Beyonce songs... (Sorry Nicole)
