Friday, September 23, 2011

Kan Chu Lai, it's Lion King Time!

Another week has passed already somehow!  The weeks go by so fast that I have to look at my planner to assess what I’ve done.  Turns out it’s mostly homework.  But there were fun moments, too.  I’ll focus on those.

The Monkey Queen in all Her glory.
Last Sunday I saw Jane Goodall.  She was amazing.  Maybe less-quirky female Dumbledore status?  She’s done amazing work, in and out of the jungle.  The UN named her an international messenger of peace and she’s taken the role seriously and has started a worldwide youth program called Roots and Shoots, which is actually cool.  I wish I could explain how amazing she is.  During her talk, she said, “Life itself is a gift, though to some it must not seem so” and then talked about how fortunate those in the audience were that luck had put us here instead of, say, the DRC or Darfur.  She is eternally wise and it was quite an experience.  I got a book from her called Reason For Hope and she signed a bookplate the morning of the talk so yay, autograph.

I also had initiation to my frat.  That was where I met my sponsor, Alissa, and got my pledge pin, which is to be worn at all times except during the during the five S's: Sleep, Sweat, Substance (ie alcohol) Sex and... Something else (can't remember the fifth "s").  APO (Alpha Phi Omega) seems to be a really cool group; we went to the Lion King on Wednesday.  But that’s another story.

Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Pin!
On Monday I bench pressed during my weight training class.  I did three sets of seven.  I was only bench pressing the bar (45 lbs), but that was seven times what I’ve ever done before, so I was proud.

Like I said, my week flew by.  I skipped a Time Management seminar on Tuesday because, ironically, I couldn’t fit it into my schedule.

Wednesday I went to the Lion King 3D with my frat on a “fellowship” which thankfully has no religious connotation; it’s just what you call a gathering of people from the frat to do something fun like eat food or, in this case, watch the 1994 Disney classic.

To deviate from my week, I simply must pose a question that’s been eating away at me since Wednesday.  In Lion King, Simba kills Scar, his uncle, marries Nala, and has a cub named Kiara (in this alternate reality where lions have litters of only one cub).  Kiara, in a total Juliet move, falls in love with Scar’s son, Kovu.  Her first cousin once removed.  Anyone else have a problem with this!? (Yes, I did make this chart)

The Incest King, more like!  Cousins shouldn't feel the love tonight!
Well, apparently Disney did, too, because I just checked Wikipedia and apparently in the movie we find out Kovu isn’t actually Scar’s son.  Just his heir (Mudbloods beware!).  So there goes that rant.

Anyway, no movie is worth how much they charge you for 3D, but I had fun.  More APO bonding, which is awesome.

Thursday I went to a lecture on International Relations as a Pluralist Science.  I understood about 25% of what the professor said, which normally wouldn’t bother me except I’m supposed to write a five page paper on an event I attend in the city.  And I can’t write five pages about what he said.  Back to the drawing board; I think I’m going to go somewhere else on Monday.

Today I watched Memoirs of a Geisha with friends who are currently watching Bill Maher (I abandoned Bill Maher to blog! That’s how much I love you guys!) and ate Pad Thai for dinner (OMG YES).  I also learned a phrase in Chinese that I’ve been using (read mispronouncing) a lot: Kan chu lai!  Nicole may understand this, or my friend in Chinese may be saying this wrong, but it means “Look out!”.  We use it when someone says something dumb or really obvious.  You’ll catch on.

I also got lunch with Kevin’s sister, Kristen, and had fun with her and told her about our blog.  She thought that was a cool way to stay in touch.  Or she was being polite.  (; We had a good time though, catching up on the first month of school.  Not sure where the time went!

Standing beside me the whole time has been Devin.  We celebrated our 8 month anniversary on Wednesday.  Not celebrated persay but recognized it.  We’ve been swapping letters “everyday” aka when we find time, which as we know during senior year is hard to find.  Especially with Hiles’s grueling Gov’t/Econ class.  Hot damn!  Or, look out!  Anyway, Dev and I are trying to figure out where he should apply for next year, and he’s decided for sure that he wants to be an artist.  This is his latest piece.
He calls it "Hangman"

Just kidding, he doesn’t want to be an artist.  But I couldn’t resist this Skype snapshot.  Kan chu lai!  That’s a total misuse of the term, but I love it.  Anyway I just got my 11th letter today, so someone loves me.  If you guys hadn’t shot down my care package idea you’d feel nearly as loved as I do.  Nah nah nah nah nah, in short.

Lastly, I can’t wait for Pottermore to open so I can be sorted.  I really hope I’m Gryffindor.  REALLY REALLY REALLY.  I honestly may have to question my path in life if I’m cast anywhere else.

Alright then, off I BRAVELY go.  See, I’m Gryffindor!! Gryffindor!


Real pictures of Dev on skype, or he'll kill me:

Aww cute girl in the top left corner!


  1. For my pledge pin its 3 s's. Sleep, sex, and shower. Maybe that's the one you are missing? Idk. You definitely didn't complain to me about nobody commenting on your post or anything like that :)

  2. I'm horrendously jealous of the fact you got to see Jane Goodall in person. And congrats on being in a frat. It sounds fun.

  3. I think you misspelled Gryffindor. But I guess that's okay; it's not like you're in Ravenclaw or anything.

    Just kidding, that was mean, and I'm sorry.
    Great post. Jealous of the Goodall stuff.

  4. ...Oops. I fixed it.

    And yeah, Jason, it must've been shower.
