Friday, September 30, 2011

"Time is making fools of us again"

When making fun of Palin, the question not "Why?" but "Why not?"
It’s already Friday again?!

How does time pass so quickly?  Dumbledore ne’er said a truer thing than the title of my blogpost.  He probably said other equally-true things, but ne’er a truer! Ne’er!  Yea, verily!

Speaking of which, I emailed Ms. Topping this week to have her look at a poem I’m submitting to our literary magazine and titled said email “Yea, verily!”.  Oh wait what I wrote poetry?!

It’s been such a long time, but yes I wrote a poem about single mothers.  The title was, aptly, Single Mothers.  I shouldn’t put it on here because A) I don’t want to bore you guys and B) Since it’s still in the submission process, I don’t want to put it online and have them think I stole it.  But if anyone wants to read it, you KNOW I’d love to email it to you.  Say the word!

Anyway, today is an important academic day for me because I have a Spanish test in 30 minutes (I’m clearly studying), a paper due (I’m clearly working on it), and two short movies I have to watch before class (clearly watching them).  In short, I am the best student of all time.  I blog instead of work.

I had a cool week.  I think.  It passed by too quickly.  I won’t go day by day, because I have other things I want to talk about, but some highlights:

That's Nancy Reagan, not my prof, but you get the idea
On Tuesday my prof told this story about how she was named to the first Board of Directors of a Quango (it’s a Washington thing, don’t worry).  The president came to meet everyone involved, and she was the youngest, so she got pushed to the front of the crowd.  This was the 1980’s, when men didn’t realize that women could get paid to do anything besides nursing, teaching, and housework (Rich is still under this impression).  So Reagan (yes, Jason, we had a president named Reagan) was sort of surprised to see this “cute, young thing” on the board of directors and when they met, she shook his hand.  Only then he started talking to her.  And didn’t let go of her hand.  For like five minutes.  She says she didn’t hear a word he said because all she could think about was how he was still holding her hand.  It got to the point where senators/ congressmen started giggling.  She tried to loosen her grip, didn’t work.  She tightened her grip, didn’t work.  All in all a funny story.  She said “and someday I’ll tell you my Nixon story” which is hopefully even more graphic than the Reagan story.

Wednesday I submitted my first college paper (!) about Japan’s stance on a fictional international nuclear security crisis.

Last night (Thursday) I had pledge ed, starting at 10:45 at night.  Oh, yeah, I got a leadership position.  I’m the pledge Fellowship VP.  It was sort of an accident.  I’m in charge of organizing this giant pledge event where we all go hang out.  It can be something really cool (going to the zoo , screening a movie, hijacking an airplane) or something really lame (eating in the dining hall as a group, studying in the library, NOT hijacking an airplane).  Hopefully I do a good job.

This is a lamb.  Except I think it's a dog.
Tomorrow I am doing 7 hours of community service.  I hope that makes everyone else feel bad about themselves, except I know it doesn’t.  I’m doing 3 hours at a used book sale at a local library and then 4 hours at a puppy/ kitten adoption event.  YAY ANIMALS!  I miss working at Russo’s; I need furry love.  I went up to this lady on campus with an adorable dog and pet her for like five minutes (the dog, not the lady).  She was like a little lamb!
This picture is of an animal that people are claiming is a lamb, not a dog, but I have my doubts because the tail is unlike any sheep’s should be.

Alright, a relatively short post for me but Spanish test starts in four minutes!

Love you all,


P.S. "’I am not worried, Harry,’ said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. ‘I am with you.’"

Edit: Rich, have you heard of Samuel Beckett?  I have to watch his short play before Lit class today.


  1. Poem me!

    Already did my community service. I blogged about, remember? No? Okay.

    Question: You know that quote you ended your post with? Yeah, of course you do. Do you know the really awesome little back story (really little, but still awesome) behind it?

  2. I remember, it was the after-hurricane stuff. FEMA is important and all.

    Back story as in J.K. Rowling back story or in the story context? I know when it was said in the story but I don't know anything outside of the HP world. Enlighten me?

  3. I think I may have worked this up to be more exciting than it is, but I think it's cool.

    When Dumbledore takes Harry to meet Slughorn in the beginning of Book 6, he warns Harry to be at the ready while they are traveling because dark wizards are out and about (pronounced "oot and aboot"). Harry asks if Dumby thinks they'll actually be attacked, and he replies (probably not verbatim), "I do not think you need to worry, Harry. You are with me."

    Then, at the end of Book 6, your quote happens. It's a very Peter Jackson-ish thing.

  4. That's soooo amazing *swoon Dumbly*

  5. Nope, haven't heard of him. Looks cool though, sometimes non-verbal shows can be fun. Really good movie, MicMacs, had almost no dialogue. And that's SO definitely a dog.

  6. I really liked the poem. It's very Rachael.

  7. I forgot to say I wanted the poem too.

  8. Aww guys, thanks (= Miss you all <3
