Monday, October 31, 2011

Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.

I don't know what I'm gonna blog about today. Let's see here. What happened last week? Hmmm. Well, I went to class a lot and did a lot of work. Okay, I just remembered something blog-worthy. While we (meaning the XC team) were doing our Thursday workout, it started snowing. Very exciting. I guess. Well, it's actually not that exciting, unless your Kevin Dales and have never spent time in the snow, which I am not. I suppose what's new for me is being in this sort of in-between state. I'm used to being in either a temperate climate with no snow whatsoever or being in a complete winter climate, and I've never really given thought to what a place looks like after only an inch of snow on the year. So that's what's up with the weather.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bigs, Bracelets, and Buildings

Happy Friday, friends.  I love being the beginning of your weekend.  I will do a good job this week and outline everything I’ve done.  I hope Rich forgives me for not being a good Christian; I didn’t read the Bible this week.  If you want to stop here, Rich, you can.  Just cover your God-loving eyes.  That’s not a stab at all; I actually think it’s awesome that you’re reading it.  You ought to be one of those atheists who can out-Bible someone who considers themselves a die-hard Jesusphiliac.  Before I begin: I can’t promise a lot of caps lock; I don’t want to follow your lead as many others have decided to.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The other day I was thinking about how I should write a post like how Jason or someone usually writes theirs (essentially, without yelling).  Then I realized that THAT'D BE FUCKING HARD.  Anyway, sorry for the post so late in the night, but I just finished taking a chemistry practice test.  (91% WOOOOO!).  Okay, let's go.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A few words.

Hello all,

I really do not have time to write a post today. Not even this week. So this will be the substitution for the moment. I have so much going on right now. To show you my work load and to help myself get organized, I will now write out all the things I must do.

I have an uber-scary, long, and confusing lab report to write up that is due this Friday.
I have another lab report that is due Tuesday.
I also have a Chemistry essay that is due Monday.
I have two LARGE packets of articles to read for Chemistry that was given to me today, must be read by tomorrow, and will probably have a quiz accompanied with it.
I have a research paper in progress for my FYS that, although Miss Topping has prepared us for, is freaking me out a bit because I have no time for it.
I have reading for my FYS as well.
I have debate today from 4-6 which I cannot skip because I'm going to a tournament over the weekend.
I was GOING to go to an extra credit thing for Enviro from 6-8, but now I CANNOT.
On Thursday I also have debate I cannot skip, and I have to meet with my Lab group to talk about the Lab.
For my Environment and Society class I have three large packets to read by tomorrow. Which I cannot skip reading because we talk about them extensively in class.
For Chinese, by tomorrow I have to memorize an entire paragraph of Chinese that was just given to us today, as well as impress the man coming in to listen to us speak tomorrow. He gives out Chinese internships.
I also have 7 pages of Chinese workbook to do as well , which is due Monday. This would be fine if I WASN'T GOING TO BROWN FOR THE WEEKEND FOR A DEBATE TOURNAMENT. So that means I have literally no time Friday or Saturday to do my work.
Also, on Sunday, besides having to work on my essay, workbook and readings, I must also meet with my Lab group to work on a different lab.
So yeah, I cannot write a post for a bit other than this.

Love you all.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So, in the spirit of Derek's post I thought I would try something new this week.


Monday, October 24, 2011

A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.

Telluride, Colorado, aka retirement option 1A.
"Hello Derek, my name is the Weather, and I'm here to tell you that I'm colder than the freezing point of water. IN OCTOBER. HOPE YOU BROUGHT A SCARF. Later bro."Yes, that is an accurate account of a conversation I took part in yesterday, and by "took part in" I mean "listened to and said nothing." And yes, the Weather is apparently a bro. Go figure.

So Fall Break is happening right now. We get today and tomorrow off, which means I have all day to generate the most awesomeful (it's a word, trust me) post ever. Well, at least in theory. Speaking of theories, I came up with a pretty good one recently. It goes like this: Vermont is cold. DISPROVE THAT ONE, CREATIONISTS. Oh what's that? You can't? Sound familiar? Right.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fetch & Monuments

Alright boys, cute Danser—excellent friends: generous, helpful, intelligent.  Just kindly listen.  My name often precedes quite raunchy, sensual things, unlike very white xylophones…  Yell, “zenith!”

That doesn’t make much sense but it’s alphabetical anyway.  I couldn’t fix that y, z at the end but whatever.

I’m in lit class and we’re talking about Shakespeare and Milton.  Who of you know Milton’s first name without looking it up?  I always like when we ask these kinds of trivia questions, especially when I know the answer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A week to remember, and then to forget, and then promptly remember again.

Hello all you literate folk. It's time for another sloppy post. By the way, right now I'm stalling as I try to remember what I did this past week. But don't tell anyone that I told you that. It'd make me look unprofessional. And we all know that the writers here at "Tertiary, My Dear Watson" are dedicated to only publishing the most delicately crafted and thoroughly edited posts. Alright, I think I've remembered the basic components of my week. Onwards? Onwards.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frustration at Current Circumstances

I write this in honor of a friend, someone who has been disrespected and someone for whom I care.  I write this with anger and frustration, feeling helpless to act.

Fuck all of the bigots in the world.  Fuck their predispositions that cloud their viewpoints.  Why do you still exist at one of the most liberal colleges in the nation?  I thought I could escape you, but I guess not.  I guess I can never escape the stupidity of your beliefs.

I can only move forward.  I can force myself to be the better man.  I can force myself to have the courage to speak up when people use inappropriate language.  I can change what is around me to something better, a community that is more accepting and is not ignorant of other avenues of life.  I can support my friend, who deserves more than what has happened to him in the past twenty four hours.  I can step up to the plate and be the person I know I can be.



Monday, October 17, 2011

You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.

"It's funny 'cause it's true." - John Michael Gunn
 I saw this on a blackboard a little while ago. I don't know how well you can read it, so I'll spell it out for you. The y-axis is labeled "People's attraction to me" and the x-axis is "How well they know me." The rest should be self-explanatory. For most of you. And really funny. 'Cause think about it: you don't know this person at all and you love him already. (Sorry Rachael and Nicole for assuming that it was made by a guy. But seriously, there's no way that's not a guy.)

Saturday began as the worst day I can remember. We had a cross country meet in Albany. I thought the bus was leaving campus at 9:45 that morning. It actually left at 8:45. I missed it. I didn't race. Albany was the qualifying race to move on with the team into championship season. So, all things considered, it could have been worse. I could have woken up at 6:00 six days a week for the entire summer and ran obscenely long distances and then have it all not matter at all because I never got to compete in a meaningful race. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened.

Friday, October 14, 2011

There... and Back, Again.

I have never related to anything more than this.  I love
I’m glad that our blog is on Pacific Time.


Rehearsal took way longer than advertised.  I would write a post now, but I type too loud and am keeping my roommate up.  Tomorrow, I swear.  Love you all.

EDIT: Okay Rachael wants me to edit this post instead of making a new one.  FINE (Disclaimer: this is the week before break for me, so I didn't really do anything this whole week.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Technically I'm Still Being Productive

Derek and Rachael, you will finally truly
deserve my love once you understand this.
Hello, sojourners of the American education system (Specifically college. Tertiary, my dear Watson). I have decided to write my blog post early, although it may not seem early to you. You see, right now it's Tuesday night. Well, not RIGHT as you read this. No, now it's Wednesday. For you. But it's not. Not for me. Because it's Tuesday. Hoorah! Writing is like time travel! Timey Wimey, anyone?

Anyways, the reason why I am writing my post early is so that I can focus on studying for my midterm on Wednesday. So even though I technically should be studying for it right now, I'm still being productive because eventually I will have to post a blog entry. Onwards?

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Than a Feeling

Yes Rachael, this is us racing two days ago.
Get it? Boston? No? Whatever.
On Saturday I participated in the Open New England Cross Country race in, surprise, Boston. I say "participated" because it would be inaccurate to say "raced." This is because I was, and indeed still am, rather sick, and therefore ran an awful time. So I'm not going to talk about that. Or the fact that Austin beat me by three and a half minutes. Honestly, if I was healthy, he would have still probably beat me by at least half a minute. But anyways, I think Rachael demanded some pictures of us. Unfortunately, I forgot about this request. Sorry. Just imagine the two of us in a sweaty embrace. Or look at the year-old picture that you've already been looking at 'cause it's right in front of you, and pretend we're wearing racing singlets. One other item of note regarding Austin: he hasn't shaved since he got to Wesleyan a month ago, so he has this disgusting (or cute, whichever tickles your fancy) goatee that he's really fond of.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wait...YES post on Sundays?

Hey everyone!  I know I didn't post on my particular day...or the day after...orrrr the day after that.  BUT I HAD GOOD REASONS I PROMISE!  Okay so yeah here we goooooooooooooo

Friday, October 7, 2011

"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. "

Hey, there.  I will reinstate the trend where people post on time, albeit barely.  I wrote this a long time ago but just got back from a showing of The Princess Bride <3 (That's what my title quote is from btw)

There is a lot I can talk about but I will be focusing on the latter half of my week, mostly because Wednesday and Thursday were two of the longest days I’ve had since arriving at AU.

A few announcements: (A) I had a paper and two midterms this week.  Those numbers are misleading because they are small numbers and do not convey the Goliath-esqe amount of effort involved. (B) Happy your-birthday-is-a-week-from-today, Derek.  Hopefully you get lots of nice presents. (C) My parents have requested to see more pictures of me, and since they pretend to read this blog, I will include those here.


Hey everyone, I just got back from a crazy thing I didn't even know was happening that I'll describe tomorrow but my roommates are trying to sleep so I can't type but yeah super sorry I'll post early tomorrow.

EDIT: Okay I'm really sorry you can post Rachael I have to write a paper I'll write tonight/saturday [ =( ]


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nicole's Breaking the Rules

I'm going to go through my week briefly, with no interesting theme or clever segues.

Thursday (see, I wasn't kidding about the lack of segues):
On Thursday I finished an Environment and Society essay at the last possible minute, printing it out 20 minutes or so before class. A new experience for me, to be sure. And my essay was quite a mess. Today I get it back. I do not want to see the score I received. After Environment and Society I had debate. I decided to watch instead of actually debate. It was fine. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fleshlights anyone?

There are many things I'd like to convey in this post.  Many of them, however, will not get said due to my sickness which has been progressively getting worse over the past three weeks.  Yes, I've been sick for three whole weeks, and am still not better.  This is due to some stupid doctor who wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't getting any better and my sore throat felt like strep throat (having had this before).  She insisted it was merely a virus that I would get over in a couple days.  So, upon revisiting the doctor (a different one this time) this morning, she (also a woman doctor, but not to be confused with the other bitch) immediately thought I had strep and sent me down to the lab to take a strep test.  Luckily, it turns out I don't have strep, but I most likely have laryngitis (Mr. Coe anyone?) and I've been prescribed some antibiotics.

My issue comes with this fucking joke of a doctor that saw me the first time I went in.  I understand the new trend towards not giving antibiotics as readily as they did before, but this doctor was insistent that I had a virus without even taking a look down my throat. She based her diagnosis on the fact that because my sore throat had improved (minimally! I said minimally!) ever so slightly, it was a sign I was on my way to recovery and apparently didn't even deserve the attention of an oral examination.  So my point is: bitches be crazy... and we need better doctor's out there. So Rich... Get to it.

So I'm not really feeling all that well, and right after I post this I'm going to try and go to bed.  My one story I will relate to you guys this week is my pledge event that was held on Saturday.  An interesting event this turned out to be, we all (the pledge class) bused over to a store by the name of Good Vibrations.  Good Vibrations, in case you're unaware, is a sex toy shop.  Our goal for the day was to have a conversation as straight-faced as possible about one of the sex toys with a worker there. Quite the interesting pledge event...

One of my fellow pledges learned that when using whips, it is much easier to enjoy smaller whips than larger ones.  Large whips often tire one out because you need to use your full arm.  Shorter whips are much more efficient because you only need to use your wrist muscles, making you last longer.  Also, my other pledge brothers found out that lube generally has an inverse relationship when it comes to flavor and moisturizing qualities.  I'm sure you are all glued to your seat, scribbling down all these wonderful tips for use later, so I won't beat around the bush and I'll get to what my conversation with Terri (yes, fucking Terri. I'm pretty sure she was a lesbian as well) was about.

I had a lovely conversation about a certain vibrating fist dildo that happened to be on display.  I pretended to be a "novice at being penetrated" (quotes are from my actual conversation) and wondered "how I could ramp up to such an erotic device."  She informed me that "like any muscle in the body, the anus (this is where I almost broke down laughing; something about the word anus still cracks up my inner twelve year old) needs time to adjust and expand."  She suggested I try one of the dildos with varying widths so I could start small and eventually get up to the magical fist.

So yeah, that was the highlight of my week. How was yours?


P.S. Just had tom yum noodle soup. Pretty delicious. I only thought to include this because I think Rich told me to try it like a billion years ago. That is all.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Death, the most dreaded of evils, is therefore of no concern to us; for while we exist death is not present, and when death is present we no longer exist.

Salutations, fellow bloggers.

I'm gonna talk about Winkler for a little bit right now because he kicks ass.
Throughout the old man's lectures, he incorporates loads of demonstrations, often involving volunteers from the class. I won't try to remember all of them because that would be nigh impossible, but I can certainly recount a few from the last seven days.