Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A week to remember, and then to forget, and then promptly remember again.

Hello all you literate folk. It's time for another sloppy post. By the way, right now I'm stalling as I try to remember what I did this past week. But don't tell anyone that I told you that. It'd make me look unprofessional. And we all know that the writers here at "Tertiary, My Dear Watson" are dedicated to only publishing the most delicately crafted and thoroughly edited posts. Alright, I think I've remembered the basic components of my week. Onwards? Onwards.

I woke up. I ate. I went to Chinese class. I studied. I went to Environment and Society class and took a midterm. I went to debate. I went to dinner. I think I might have hung out with my friends, but I cannot remember. Probably? You know what? I'm pretty sure this was the day that I stayed up until 2 am watching "Archer" with some debater friends. Or it might not have been Thursday. But either way, it did happen. "Archer" is amazing. There are so many puns and English language jokes and just clever comments. You should watch it some time. And by some time, I mean now. Do it. Go. Trust me, this post doesn't get any better. Off with you! Anyways, then I went to bed.

Friday: I woke up. I ate. I went to Chemistry class. I watered my plants in the greenhouse (Or rather, I watered my soil. Nothing is growing! This can lead to failure! My thumb is not green, what do I do!?). I then went to Chinese, took a quiz, and then did something else that I cannot remember. On Friday night I went to a Bates theater thing. People performed short one-act plays. They were excellent. After that, my friends and I went back to Jack and Owen's dorm and listened to jazz while talking about life. And then listened to dubstep while talking about life. And then listened to other musical genres while talking about, you guessed it, life. I only say that we talked about life because I forget the specifics of the conversations. Then we went for a walk, which was a bad idea because it started POURING DOWN RAIN. We finally meandered our way back to the dorm, and we spent some more time hanging out. But then people started smoking pot and new drunk strangers trickled in, so I became both bored and uncomfortable with my company. I thus left the premises. 

Saturday: Saturday I woke up and ate, showered, slept, did some work, slept again, and then walked over to "The Ronj", the Bate's student run coffee shop,where I listened to my friend Owen play guitar and sing. There were board games, and coffees and candied apples! Also, in the backyard of The Ronj, people were tie-dying shirts, so I joined in and make my own gorgeous tie-dyed v-neck pajama gown of glory. It was pretty nice looking considering It was my first time tie-dying anything. I went to dinner with some of my hall mates  then went on a scavenger hunt with some people from a different dorm. It was quite an interesting experience. 

Sunday: I believe Sunday was a very relaxed day. I say this because I cannot remember doing anything remotely interesting. I guess that means I stayed in and watched television. I do remember having brunch with friends, in which I smuggled cereal out of the dining area to snack on while I was holed up in my dorm room. Yes, I suppose I haven't changed much, have I? Then I believe I took a shower, hung out with my friends (I think? Darn it, all of the days are meshing together.) and then went to sleep. Yay, sleep! Sleeping is fun! Wooo! Nicole's life is so interesting! Reading about her life of work and sleep is so enthralling (See, I told you the post didn't get any better).

Monday: Classes: Chemistry, The Humanimal, Chinese. I took a midterm in Chinese. I got 104%. No big deal. I then went back to my dorm, started reading this super horrendously long chapter on Environmental actors, complained about the reading to my roommate, read some more, and then gave up and went over to a friend's dorm to hang out (I was almost done with the reading, anyways. HEY! Don't judge me! I finished it before it was due, so get off my back, okay!? Okay. Cool. Sorry. I lost my cool there for a moment. "Haha, Nicole. How can you lose something you never had?!" Awwww, nerdy Nicole is nerdy). Anyways, the point is that I spent some time hanging out with some friends (Or did I? Oh god, I'm seriously confused as to when I hang out with people. But I guess it really doesn't matter to you, does it? Okay, good. Well, at least we're honest with each other, eh?). Well, eventually I went to bed. 

Tuesday: I woke up, finished up my Environment and Society reading (See, I told you that I finished it!) and then  had my Chemistry lab, took another Chinese midterm (Not sure what grade I got on that test, but I'm sure it was fine, you guys. Quit worrying. I know how invested you are in my test scores). After Chinese I went to this sea food hut with some debate friends and watched them eat their lobster meals (They really, really enjoyed their meal. In fact, they made quite a few orgasm jokes about how good the meal was. I think you'd like these people, Rich). The day was cool and gray, with a bit of a chill that felt quite nice. We ate the meal outside, surrounded by changing leaves. A picturesque scene. But I have no pictures. So just use your imagination. Then we drove back to campus, where I spent a bit of time hanging with Colin and Sammy (some debate friends) in their dorm. Then their other dorm mate started smoking pot (yes, there seems to be a re-occurring theme here) and I was escorted outside due to the fact that the air was becoming a bit too smokey and I didn't want to be second-hand high. Especially not before class. Then I went to class, went home and mucked about for a bit. Then a few of my floor mates and I went to dinner, and then had a "girl's night in" in which bad movies were watched, and people consumed candy, ice cream and alcohol (Although, I did not partake in those activities. I'm already way too fun sober.)  

Wednesday: Today, I got breakfast/lunch at this off campus eatery called "The Pop Shoppe". I got nutella and banana crepes. They were delicious. And the rest of the day has just been filled with procrastinating doing work. Oh, by the way, it's October break for me. So I don't have school until Monday. Yay, liberal arts education! Break!

See you in the funny papers,

Nicole Danser


  1. I already like these guys, assuming their orgasm jokes are funny. If not, they'd just be crude. And I'm never crude. Ever. EVER.
    Speaking of me not being crude, I laughed really hard until I realized that "The Pop Shoppe" has only 2 "o"s in it. Then I became sad.
    I'M ON BREAK TOO OMG WE SHOULD HANG OUT nevermind nobody's home.

  2. Hahaha. I don't think anyone would want to go to a restaurant named after feces. Well, okay, a small amount of people would want to go to it. We all have our quirks.
