Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Point Reyes, My Future Home

Yes. Be Jealous.

So that is my amazing chemistry professor.  He speaks with an Australian accent and his writing is pretty. Hopefully his personality is composed or more attributes than these, but I am not bffls with him (I was originally going to imply that because we weren't on a first name basis we weren't best friends but I refer to my astronomy professor, Alex, by his first name, and I don't think we're best friends. If you are reading this and feel differently Alex please tell me. I digress.).  He really is awesome though, and an amazing professor. This leads me to talk about that despite his awesomeness I still fucking don't understand this class.

I just got back from a discussion section for chem (you can just assume the rest of this paragraph is about chem) and I can finally say with certainty that I am so screwed for our midterm on Friday.  Yes, you may remember me blogging about a midterm not too long ago because, well it fucking was not too long ago. What is with Martin (the first name basis begins) and giving midterms so frequently? So yeah, chem is basically impossible.  If you can read on the board, we were talking about crystal field theory this day, and I can assure you I absorbed none of it.  That square planar crystal field (top right) the GSI (graduate student instructor) at the discussion section didn't want to explain because it was too difficult.  I won't try to indoctrinate you on everything I'm learning in chem like Derek is doing with hockey because I think that would be extremely boring and not many of you would care. So talking about chem is depressing me and I think I'll move onto my other classes and talk about them some because they aren't as depressing subjects. And you might be asking yourself the question, "Will all of Jason's transitions be this boring and devoid of all remotely interesting diction and/or syntax?!?!?!?" Yes.

I have three other classes in addition to chemistry: Math (standard calculus), Astronomy, and a chemical engineering seminar.  My math class is meh.  I share the class with Turney and Joel, and we all agree that although the material  is relatively basic, the amount of justification needed is ridiculous.  To simply prove what the derivative of f(x)= 2x2 is, we have to right around a paragraph describing the four rules we use (yes there are four mathematical rules in use there).  Regardless, I got an A on our first midterm with the curve (60/70) and overall the class is going well.  (Joel got a 69/70, crazzzzzzy)  

Astronomy is basically a joke.  It's ridiculously easy, and I guess I must attribute my success to the countless hours I spent watching the show "The Universe" on the history channel (which Alex is in).  We had our first midterm on Monday.  I got a 100% without the curve and there are two notable points off of this.  First, there were 45/772 students who got a perfect score on the midterm, showing that it was indeed not that hard of a test, but also showing that I am in the top 5% of the class.  This makes me feel better when I'm failing hardcore in chemistry, but I guess that statistic doesn't really apply there because the populations I'm comparing are different (did I mention taking AP Stats actually helped me a lot in chemistry...like a lot....). Second, it brings up a funny story regarding Cole. Now when I told Kevin this, he nearly spit out his chicken rice bowl (Omg these are so orgasmic; we have this place called Ramona's that serves amazing chicken rice bowls. I have got them sometimes every day of the week, Monday through Friday) so just keep in mind that if you don't laugh its not my fault, its yours.  (My point is you will only get it if you have observed Cole doing stuff like this before) Begin simluation!

Cole: The astronomy midterm grades are out. *confidently*
Jason: Oh, really? *playing HoN so caring minimally* What did you get?
Cole: 23/25 *very confidently, almost pompously*
Jason: Oh, nice. Guess I should check... *checking grades*... Oh cool, I got 100% *nonchalantly*
Cole: Oh....*CONFIDENCE BROKEN*...hmm I wonder what I missed *obviously implying there could be something wrong with the key*

This was a prime example of Cole trying to subtly (but not subtle because anyone who truly knows Cole can pick this out easily, hence my disclaimer above to fully appreciate this story) prove himself superior. 

So back to my classes. The last class I have is a chemical engineering seminar that is for one hour every week where a researcher in the field of chemistry, chemical-biology, or chemical engineering at Cal comes to speak to us about their research.  Oh and the professor who runs this course is a woman *cough*lesbian*cough* who used to teach chemical-biology courses at Wesleyan. So if Barvin is reading this because God (I felt uncomfortable writing this word. Atheists unite! But I'm keeping it because I couldn't find another witty alternative for the saying.) knows who else Derek recruited to read this blog, there's a shout-out to you.  It's generally a pretty laid-back class, and we don't have much homework.  Overall, not much to say about it.

So those are my classes, which essentially dominate my life.  Oh wait, what's that? My frat dominated my life? I forgot, that's right I don't have time for any of my classes because of my frat.  That's not true, but my frat honestly does take up more time than my classes do, it is quite the time sink.  But, despite taking up a large portion of my time, that time is spent doing awesome stuff.  For example, our pledge event (generally once a weekend) was going to Point Reyes.  Point Reyes is a cape/seashore/nature-y place that is absolutely beautiful. Probably the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen in my entire life.  It was breathtaking to look out onto the ocean.  This was the first time I saw the ocean and thought just how large and grand it is.  My field of vision was 180 degrees of ocean.  It was absolutely stunning.  

I could go on all day about how gorgeous this landscape was, but I simply lack the compositional skills to create varying sentences that would help convey my point any further.  So I'll stop here and let you look at two of the pictures I took (yes me, not google images) and know that you will still not fully comprehend the beauty, but with the hope that you will find at least some joy in them.

Our pledge event wasn't to simply just sit and stare at this majestic landscape though.  We went on an approximately 4 mile hike to a lake (Bass Lake to be specific if you want to look it up on Google maps Derek; it's really small a little north of Bolinas Lagoon).  Now what we came all the way out here to visit was a rope swing that went into the lake.  Yes, you heard me right, a rope swing.  There was this enormous tree overlooking the lake that had a rope tied to one of its branches, which could be used to swing into the lake.  It was some of the most fun I have ever had swinging into that lake.  I sadly didn't get a picture of it, but my pledge brother got a picture that, although doesn't do it justice, shows the clearing with someone about to swing into the lake.  I hesitate to include it in this post because it pictures him in his small pink boxers (which he is now nicknamed after) and many other men half-naked, but if you want to see it I'll link it here. You have been forewarned though.

This brings me to a point I commented on  Rich's late, late post: nakedness.  Probably different than Rachael's co-ed frat, nakedness is a common occurrence at Phi Psi.  I guess its assumed that we should all be comfortable with our fellow man.  As such, I have seen quite a few too many penises for my liking, but I guess I should get used to it because when I live in the house next year I'll have to use the communal showers that have no curtains or doors.  Back to Point Reyes, this rope swing was soooooo much fun, and joining this frat has definitely not been a bad decision; I've been having some of the most fun I've had in my short lifetime.  I can't wait to see what other events lay in my future.

So, this is getting to be a relatively long post, and I hope I'm not setting a trend where I post short one week, then long the next and repeat.  So I'm going to address a couple more quick things and then I'm gone, only to return next Tuesday.  First, Morgan (Low, in case you thought I would talk about any other Morgan here) has announced that he is officially going out with this girl name Shelby.  She's really nice, and I'm so proud of Gizmo (his new nickname for no reason whatsoever) for stepping up to the plate and chasing the ladies of Berkeley.  Second, and this is going to be a compound point concerning multiple Harry Potter smaller points, they are having a Harry Potter night at one of the dining halls next Wednesday, I can't wait to go; and Kevin's frat does a Harry Potter murder mystery dinner, which I am requiring we emulate during Winter Break; and finally here is a picture of Bowles, the all male dorm that everyone refers to as the Harry Potter dorm because it's supposed to look like it came from Harry Potter. I'm a little skeptical, but make your own judgment.

I rolled down this hill for a pledge event. It's scary, the grass is flush with the top of the cement wall so you have to make sure to not fall off.
Hope everyone has a fantastic week, because right now I'm loving life!

- Jason

P.S. This is mainly for Rachael but it could be for any of you if you so desire, NEW AMAZING RACE!!!! I haven't watched any of the episodes and I doubt I will have time to.  I propose a marathon over 1-3 days during Winter Break with Kevin where we watch them all!!?!?!?!?! Let me know what you think!


  1. Jeez, I guess I'll stop talking about hockey in my posts since everyone hates it.

    And so typical of Cole. I've had that same conversation with him a thousand times. I haven't really thought about it this way before, but I guess it's kinda like you're taking over my old job of having to put up with Cole. I mean, lots of people put up with him, but we are the only two that have, at some point, lived with him. And now I'm just rambling.

    And yay Morgan!

    And that chem class looks really scary. My heart goes out to you. Metaphorically.

  2. I like your hockey posts, Derek. FIGHT THE MAN! (<- Reed?)

    And I totally heard Cole's voice in that story. Also, I'm sure you'll do fine in chem. And WOOOOO NAKED. Rachael was freaking out. "WHY WERE YOU NAKED WHAT IS RKSK WHY DID GIRLS GET NAKED". Jason knows. It's cause COLLEGE!

  3. I would love to have an Amazing Race watching marathon! Include me, please! Also, I got an A on my Chem exam. So hooray for easy liberal arts science classes! Oh, it's not easy, you say? It's just because we have small classes and the ability to meet with professors? That's cool.

  4. YAY AMAZING RACE! We also need to try to fill out the application over winter break. I'll try to get my stepmom to record all the episodes for us. Yay AR bah bah bah bah bah bah. Also GUR needs to be a repeat experience.

    Loved the beautiful pictures, Point Reyes looks awesome. And so does your chem prof's blackboard masterpiece. It's akin to modern art; no one understands that either. But you're a genius so you'll figure it out, promise. It should be NGO problem.

  5. Derek: Omg, I get home (to my dorm) today and Cole does the exact same thing. He described how "my history teacher was saying everyone did bad on the essays and I was sure I was going to get a C or a D, but then I got an A....and there weren't that many A's. AHHHHHHH I can't stand it.

    Rich: Nakedness ftw.

    Nicole: Yay! I'm glad you want to participate in the amazingness of the amazing race. And what you really mean is "Yay for taking easy chem, not taking the harder, more advanced chem that Jason's taking." :P

    Rachael: YESSSSSSSS TO EVERYTHING IN YOUR FIRST PARAGRAPH. And haha to your second part, nice modern art reference and Ngo reference.
