Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frustration at Current Circumstances

I write this in honor of a friend, someone who has been disrespected and someone for whom I care.  I write this with anger and frustration, feeling helpless to act.

Fuck all of the bigots in the world.  Fuck their predispositions that cloud their viewpoints.  Why do you still exist at one of the most liberal colleges in the nation?  I thought I could escape you, but I guess not.  I guess I can never escape the stupidity of your beliefs.

I can only move forward.  I can force myself to be the better man.  I can force myself to have the courage to speak up when people use inappropriate language.  I can change what is around me to something better, a community that is more accepting and is not ignorant of other avenues of life.  I can support my friend, who deserves more than what has happened to him in the past twenty four hours.  I can step up to the plate and be the person I know I can be.




  1. Good for you, Jason. Is there anything you can do to reverse the blackballing? Maybe kicking someone there?

  2. You know what else you could do? ARSON!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!1!!!shiftone!!!!

    (Dear FBI: I'm kidding. Jason, no arson.)

  3. Rachael: I'm only a pledge so I can't kick anyone since I'm not a brother.
    Rich: Arson...hmm...
    Miss T: I am definitely considering it. At the moment, we are trying to amend the situation. I got home today and a message was sent by one of the pledges (there are 10 including Favio),
    "I think we should get together and talk about what happened to Favio some more and maybe think about saying we are all gonna leave if he doesn't come back if it seems like he was kicked out because he was gay. I personally don't want to be a part of something that discriminates in that way" Almost all of the other pledges have commented on this saying they agree. So we are seeing what we can do. Hopefully Berkeley's reputation as a place for change holds up tonight.

  4. That's awesome. I mean, if all you guys band together, there's no way he won't be reinstated. Or they lose all their pledges. Which if they're willing to go to those lengths to keep out gay people, they deserve it.

  5. I was saying kick someone in the balls, but yeah.

    I love that the pledges are uniting over this. More power to you guys. If the brothers won't budge for you guys, or at least hear you out, it's probably not somewhere you want to be.
