Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wait...YES post on Sundays?

Hey everyone!  I know I didn't post on my particular day...or the day after...orrrr the day after that.  BUT I HAD GOOD REASONS I PROMISE!  Okay so yeah here we goooooooooooooo

FRIDAY LAST LAST: Not too exciting.  I did school work, some people hung out, overall a chill day.  Uhh...yeah.

This is a picture of the bins.  Fun fun.
SATURDAY LAST LAST: So last Saturday we woke up and went to the bins.  The bins, for those of you who don't know (everyone) are a goodwill outlet store.  Let that sink in.  A GOODWILL.  OUTLET.  STORE.  You walk in and it's a bunch of people's used shit.  And it sells by the pound.  My friend got a nice used leather briefcase for like $1.50, a bunch of people got clothes, we got some furniture for like twenty bucks.  Yeah.  So that was a super nice walk there too.  Through a park that I'm gonna go back to, and there was a bridge over the creek that runs through the canyon on our school.  There are a picture or two on facebook.  So we went over to the bins and after we got back it ended up being about 7.  I had eaten a small breakfast that day.  I WAS FURIOUSLY HUNGRY so we made our weekly thai trip.  Holy balls.  I discovered that they have mango sweet sticky rice there, which is the greatest dessert that you can possibly hope for.  So yeah, I had a good saturday.

SUNDAY LAST LAST: On Sunday we just kinda chilled out in the dorm.  I got some work done, and then got a bio test back.  I got a 75%.  Which is WAY lower than I thought I got.  Like...holy balls.  It really messed me up.  So I went and talked to my professor and essentially cried in front of him because I was like "ohmygodthisiswhatiwanttodowithmylifeessentiallyandifimnotgoodatitwhatamigonnadoi'mgoingtobenothingandohmygodwhy" and he was like...super nice.  He talked me through the questions I missed, and I understood it, and he was like "I've noticed you in class and labs and you're a bright kid, you just weren't thinking right for this test" etc. and he was like...I'm gonna keep raving about this but he made me feel so much better.  And then he was like "Hey, this'll cheer you up," and brought me into this back room where all of the tadpoles we'd been taking care of for several weeks in lab and we talked about that, and he was like "Hey, if any of your friends feel like you did tell them to come in because I hate how these tests make you guys feel.  You're some of the brightest kids in the nation." After I came back to the dorm I only had an hour left until rehearsal for Iphigenia, so I just sat on the covered balcony while the rain was falling around me and the sun slowly setting in the background and read about 30 pages of my book.  It was one of the most relaxing experiences in my young life.  And then...I went to rehearsal, and then basically came home and chilled out.
This is what our tadpoles look like...
...and here's a fully grown frog!  They're Bombina orientalis

MONDAY LAST: Monday I woke up, went to class, and then did a bit of work.  I went to the gym with my friend Sam, then chilled at the dorm.

TUESDAY LAST: Similar day to Monday, but Ted and I went to Trader Joe's, and I bought a BUNCH of really delicious oatmeal and some other stuff like peanut butter cups and rootbeer.  Then I came home and hung out.  A theme, of sorts.

WEDNESDAY LAST: Wednesday is my longest day of class, so I pretty much did that for the day.  My chem lab partner and I finished early (HOLY BALLS <3) and I came home to a bunch of people hanging out in the common room so I drank some rootbeer and just yeah.  HUNG OUT WHAT A SURPRISE RICH.

My preferred method of transportation.
THURSDAY LAST: Okay so here's the day I'm supposed to post.  And here's why I didn't.  Most Thursdays I write my blog at night, because I essentially have class from 9-2, and then 7-9.  However, on that day, I had to rehearse with someone from 3-5, so I figured I'd just include that in my post, and post at like nineish.  Then I found out that I had RKSK initiation at 10:00, which I assumed would take like an hour.  It would have been a late post, but I'd accept that since it was already 7.  Boy was I wrong about how long RKSK initiation would take.  Gather 'round.  I'll tell you allll about it.  Okay so first all of the freshman gathered in the quad.  So yeah.  We were all there.  And just kinda chillin' out.  EXCEPT WE WERE ALL NAKED.  N.  A.  K.  E.  D.  Okay so then we go around screaming "WE HAVE NO NAME.  WE'RE PART OF THE COLLECTIVE."  and other such chants.  Then we ran through the whole library STILL ENTIRELY NAKED.  Then about 60 of us DROVE ALL THE WAY TO LEWIS AND CLARK COLLEGE IN THE BACK OF A HUGE U-HAUL STILL ENTIRELY NAKED AND GOT OUT AND RAN AROUND THEIR COLLEGE AND THROUGH THEIR LIBRARY AND DORMS AND HOLY BALLS IT WAS INSANE.  I ended up getting home at whenever I posted that thing about how I couldn't post cause I was so fucking tired.  So yeah.

FRIDAY LAST: On friday I had class for quite a while, and there was an essay due on Saturday, so I mostly did that.  That's why I couldn't post then. (IM SORRY)

YESTERDAY: Okay so yesterday I woke up, had breakfast, then worked on my paper on the balcony for like ever.  After I finished it, we went down to thai food, hung out, then watched primer.  Which was a CRAZY MOVIE ABOUT TIME TRAVEL.  I can't recommend it enough.  Ted described it as "This movie makes you feel how dumb people felt about inception".  It's true.  Okay and speaking of Ted, Helene (who's from like across the street from UCI super cool funny etc.) has liked him for a week, and he likes her, and OMG LAST NIGHT HE FINALLY MADE THE MOVE WOOOOOOO.  I'm the proudest best friend evar.  Like...omg so happy.  But anyway.

TODAY: I woke up really late this morning, made myself some really nice oatmeal, then went to rehearsal.  It sucked, but didn't wreck my weekend.  Then I played a board game, hung out, and now I'm writing this.  =)

P.S. Next week is my fall break.  I expect to hear when all y'all are home.  Additionally, Derek, Kvothe just talked to the "peg" farmer in Trebon.  I'm ~84% of the way through.  Holy balls do I love this book.  I haven't been sleeping cause I've been reading it all night every night.


  1. Pshh, thats a fire-belly toad. Toad! I had one as a pet. But I enjoyed your extremely late post, I'm glad someone else is experiencing newdness. I'll discuss about my experiences on Tuesday. Wow, break already? Are you going home? Wow, I'm still in shock its so soon. Skype me I miss you. <3

  2. Hahaha ALL OF THE NAKED. And yeah, it's pretty soon, and I'll be home. If I was driving I'd stop in and visit...but I'm But anyway. I will, some time. I'm so busy it's not even fair.

  3. Also, nevermind. I finished Name of the Wind.

  4. I want to go to Reed. But I also want to stay at Middlebury. Your school sounds so awesome. Clone me! Oh wait, that's already happened.

    I'm so glad you liked NotW. We need to geek out about it next time we see each other.

    This is me being jealous. I get the 24th and 25th off, and that's it. Obviously, I won't be flying back.

  5. It's really cool, but all of our colleges are (except American, eww). When I was reading about whatever building it is in NotW that Kvothe gets lost in, I imagined the building at Middlebury that you can stay in for a semester (which is magic, by the way). And we WILL OMG I LOVE IT. Fortunately several of my dormies have read the book (being in the sci-fi/fantasy dorm and all) so I can get some nerd on to tide me over. And yep! A whoooollllleeeeee week. =D But only like 2 days for thanksgiving, which I'd rather have a week for.

  6. Okay so you post three days late and get comments. I post on time and get none. This is unfair. You gave my post bad karma.

  7. Also what is RKSK? And why were you naked. And I must echo Jason, that IS a Fire-bellied toad. We sold them at Russo's.

  8. Reed Kommunial Shit Kollective. They don't really do anything other than the initiation, it's just a representation of the idea that we're all here for each other, both in spirit and in terms of "If you're hungry, I have snacks". And okay, okay, it's a toad. Geez. But it's a special KIND of toad that my professor went to South Korea to get.
